Friday, April 1, 2011

Always reading, always learning

When your child has a disability, you find out everything about it that you can.  How can I help?  What does it mean?  What are my resources?  So many questions flash through my mind everyday.  I find myself googleing a lot (a good and bad thing).  Today I came across this.

Difficult birth histories, such as long labor, heads too large for the birth canal, four or more hours of Pitocin to induce labor, emergency C-sections, cords wrapped around any part of the infant’s body, and oxygen at birth, can lead to sensory processing disorder (SPD). Parents, teachers, and pediatricians should be alerted that the critical period for ameliorating sensory-motor deficits is from birth to age seven.   When gross or fine motor weaknesses are seen, pediatric occupational therapy should be sought immediately, rather than waiting for the child to “outgrow” the problem.

WHY did no one tell me this before.  WHY WHY WHY.  I had a long labor, four or more hours of Pitocin, Ella's cord was wrapped around her neck....what the hell?!  I don't know why, but somehow, this did make me feel better.  Maybe it answers the question of why for me.  Well, sort of.  I will always blame myself, I think all the medicine I had to take when I was pregnant with Ella did something to her little nervous system.  


Ella:  I want a trick or treat
Me:  A what?
Ella:  (very adamantly)  a trick or treat.  
Me:  Can you show me please.

She brings me over to the pantry and shows me the little fruit by the foot box.  It turns out the ones we have are from Halloween (they are still good, scary, i know)...They have a little pumpkin and sponge bob on them with the word Trick or Treat.  I know she can't read....BUT she did associate the scene with Trick or Treating.